600,000 Octopus Energy customers warned they could have their power cut off

6 views 8:41 am 0 Comments February 5, 2025
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock (15106587b) Detail of the Octopus Energy website as the household energy supplier overtakes British Gas to become the largest supplier in the UK. Octopus Energy become UK's largest household energy supplier, London, England - 18 Jan 2025
600,000 customers could be completely cut off (Picture: ZUMA)

Octopus Energy customers who haven’t upgraded to a smart meter have been warned their power could be cut off.

The firm is the largest supplier of energy in the United Kingdom, serving more than 7,300,000 customers as of 2025.

For years, there’s been a push for smart meters to help customers save money and better track their usage.

Those who still have radio teleswitch meters (RTS) have now been warned that if they don’t switch the obsolete meters, their power will be cut off on June 30.

Upwards of 600,000 customers could be affected if they don’t get a new smart meter.

Octopus said they plan to fast-track upgrades for customers who need them in a bid to make sure ‘no one’ is left without heating.

Energy supplier OCTOPUS ENERGY logo and finger is pointing at it. United Kingdom, Stafford, December 18, 2021.; Shutterstock ID 2118598895; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -
Octopus is the largest energy supplier in the UK (Picture: Shutterstock)

CEO John Szymik said: ‘Octopus has boosted its service capability to offer fast-tracked assistance and ensure that no one is left without heating.

‘We urge all affected customers, of any supplier, to book their meter exchange now to ensure a smooth transition.’

Those who want to switch their meter before the cut off can do so on their Octopus Account.

The Energy Saving Trust previously said every home and office in England, Scotland and Wales would be offered a smart meter by mid-2025.

Smart meters replace the meters monitoring your gas and electricity usage, and via a display panel show you exactly how much energy you’re using.

These meters are connected to your exact tariff for both gas and electricity, too, so you’ll also see how much everything costs as you go.

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